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Module Two: Retaining and Improving Talent

Staff Appraisals

  • Designing and implementing an appraisal process for a maturing business
    • Refreshing the existing appraisal process, including links to Job Descriptions, Cultural Compatibility, and Goals & Objectives
  • Establish a base line for existing employees
    • This includes interviewing exceptional employees in every department and establishing a “master leasing professional” profile
  • Review existing rewards and bonuses and suggest motivating rewards/bonuses to drive performance in desired areas this is tied to the appraisal process, to be refreshed periodically
  • Decide who the ‘keepers’ are on your staff and assess the need for possible staff reduction or increase

Staff Development

  • Ranking managers and staff into a matrix based upon how they fit into your “master lease professional” and their potential to achieve that status
  • Reviewing changes in company and updating potential value of employees in terms of organization’s direction and changing goals and needs
  • Designing individually tailored knowledge and skill development plans for each manger and employee to help achieve their full potential
    • Utilize data gathered during the interview for future management, evaluation, motivation and remediation specific to each employee

Leadership Training

  • Working with supervisors and department managers to develop their leadership skills
    • Includes staff motivation, coaching and mentoring
    • Managing difficult people
    • Proper use of delegation and the use of dashboards as management tools
  • Addresses how to close the gap between low and high performing staff
  • How to retain top performers
  • Communication and Time management
    • Evaluate the current communications processes
    • Provide a structure for effective communication between managers and leaders as well as management and staff
  • Compensation Plan Analysis and Development
  • Work with Management to determine the goal drivers of the company
    • What is desired from sales? New client origination, increased yields, higher volume, client retention, or some combination thereof?
    • What is most desired in Credit? In Collections? Operations?
  • Conduct thorough analysis of existing compensation plans to establish if incentives match corporate goals
  • Depending on conclusions drawn from analysis, recommendations on necessary adjustments so that the compensation plan better reflects corporate strategy
  • Depending on conclusions drawn from analysis, create a new plan to accurately drive the type of business activity being sought
  • Work with management to present the new plan to existing and future employees in a way that will be compelling, motivational, and sensitive to employee perception of changing plans.